It's been quite a while since I've posted! I'm sure you were all just so very anxious, awaiting another post. On the edge of your seats? Sweaty with anticipation? Feeling empty and meaningless with out a recent update? Well it's been a crazy 4 or 5 weeks. I lost my job and then got a new one very quickly which means adjusting to different hours and a different commute. This is an adjustment for me, BossMan and the pups of the house. Bruce has continued his training at Petco and is still being a spaz, but he's still loved of course. I've also taken on some more responsibilities, helping out with the rescue group, St. Francis. And don't forget laundry (that is constantly in need of doing and folding, gag)! While that is all going on we are still fostering our little Louie. He is now doing fabulous after his hip surgery and is officially up for adoption! He is such a trooper and such an absolute love bug that he has really melted my heart. He likes to fin...